Shingles Vaccination

Shingles is a condition associated with a painful, blistering rash. It is caused by the reactivation of the virus that causes Chickenpox (Varicella zoster).

Shingles, commonly known as herpes zoster, manifests as a painful rash. This ailment is triggered by the reactivation of the varicella zoster virus, the same virus accountable for causing chickenpox. After an initial bout of chickenpox, the virus typically lies dormant within the body, often without causing any noticeable problems. However, as the immune system naturally wanes with age, the previously inactive virus can reactivate, leading to the development of shingles.

Travel Vaccinations
Per Dose
£239 per dose
2 Doses


Shingles usually commences with initial signs like tingling or discomfort in a specific area of the skin, accompanied by headaches or a general sense of unwellness. Subsequently, a blistering rash typically emerges a few days later, affecting only one side of the body. While the chest or abdomen are the most common locations for the shingles rash, it can appear anywhere on the body, including the face. The recovery process for the rash may extend up to four weeks. While symptoms generally improve within a few weeks in most cases, some individuals may endure prolonged pain or other complications. Although shingles can occur at any age, its incidence rises with age, with an estimated lifetime risk of one in four.

To guard against shingles, the recommended approach is to receive vaccination. Safe and efficacious vaccines are accessible through private channels for individuals aged 50 and above, as they are not covered by the NHS immunization program.

Countries at risk

Shingles is prevalent all over the world, and the fact that it is highly contagious means that anyone who is unvaccinated and exposed to the disease is almost certain to become infected.

Travel Precautions

It is generally acceptable to travel with shingles if your doctor deems you fit to fly and you comply with your airline’s health and safety regulations. Considering that shingles can be limiting and painful, careful consideration is essential before deciding to proceed with your travel arrangements.

Signs and Symptoms

Prior to the appearance of the rash, you might encounter itching, pain, or unusual sensations in the area that will be affected. Subsequently, a rash emerges, initially presenting as red spots that progress into blisters. The complete healing of these blisters may take up to four weeks.

Accompanying symptoms may include headaches, fatigue, and fever.